Category: Construction

Returning to finish the kitchen building

Praew’s standalone dream kitchen has been on hold after doing the pilings, floor and roof for a month or two now while the workers were finishing the walls, windows and doors of BaanLoiNaam. But now that BaanLoiNaam is nearing completion, we ordered the wood and now we are shifting a few workers over to begin…

Doors and windows on BaanLoiNaam are done

The sliding doors on BaanLoiNaam were just completed and installed: Additionally, the sliding windows on the opposite side were installed too: Since the roof over the doors extends out more than 2 meters, we aren’t too worried about water coming in, but just in case, we added a slightly raised frame down below: (On the…

Filling in the cracks of a wooden house

This isn’t the most exciting thing going on around the land, but I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned this before. Since the houses we are building are all wooden, and they use tongue-and-groove connections between the wooden planks in the walls, there are always slight imperfections in the fit between all of the wooden planks…

Sliding doors on a floating house

Now that the walls are done on BaanLoiNaam, the workers are working on the doors. I barely need to interact with them on this now since it is almost exactly the same design as the sliding doors on BaanMae and BaanRimNaam. They have finished one of four door panels and mounted it on rails already:…

Four out of four walls on the floating house completed

The workers have finished the fourth wall on BaanLoiNaam now, so all of the walls are completed. Here is a picture or two of the wall going up: Now, the wall is complete, and if you look at the top, there is a “chong saeng” or small window to let light in at the top…

BaanRimNaam gets light

I’m still getting caught up on the posts I didn’t get to over the New Year’s weekend. I mentioned in my last post that we moved into BaanRimNaam, but I forgot to mention that we got the lights up and running. We haven’t yet mounted any solar panels onto the roof, but when we ran…

Living in BaanRimNaam

The New Year’s holidays were a bit busy this year with getting BaanRimNaam ready to live in so that Praew’s mother and cousin could live in BaanMae, so I haven’t had a chance to post any blog entries in the past week. So there is quite a bit to get caught up on over the…

Getting ready to move into BaanRimNaam

We spent last week trying to get ready to move into BaanRimNaam. Over the upcoming weekend, we will start living there to identify and fix any outstanding issues. We got a bed and mattress in: And installed a mosquito screen: We need to get sawdust for the composting toilet to be ready to use:  (We…

Mounting solar panels on the floating house

We installed a number of fairly standard solar mounting rails on BaanLoiNaam last week: The goal is to have space for at least 12x 300W solar panels. Initially, I’m only planning on installing 8 of them, which should yield approximately 12-14 kWh of electricity per day on average. This would be more than enough for…

Three out of four walls of floating house completed

As of Friday, three out of four walls on BaanLoiNaam are completed. Now we just have to get the forth wall and the sliding doors and it will be a closed building.