Category: Life

Living in BaanRimNaam

The New Year’s holidays were a bit busy this year with getting BaanRimNaam ready to live in so that Praew’s mother and cousin could live in BaanMae, so I haven’t had a chance to post any blog entries in the past week. So there is quite a bit to get caught up on over the…

Sleeping under a mosquito net, even without mosquitoes

There are actually surprisingly few mosquitoes on our land. With the large pond, this was a concern originally. But in the end, there seem to be fewer mosquitoes on our new land than there were around (and inside) our old house in a normal housing complex. I suspect this is for three different reasons. First,…

Watching a storm brewing

We’ve spent the last few days at the land with Praew’s mother in BaanMae. Just now a dark storm cloud came blowing in. I feel kinda old saying this but there is something quite enjoyable just sitting on the front balcony in my comfy chair and watching the storm clouds coming in. The wind is…

Peaceful life on the land

These last few days have been more rustic than any I can remember. Waking up in the morning and making a simple breakfast of eggs (fresh from our chickens!), sausage and toasted croissant in our little outdoor kitchen. After breakfast, we feed the dogs and make some minor repairs and upgrades around the house to…

Moving in to BaanMae

Over the Songkran holiday, we moved in to BaanMae. At the risk of being philosophical, take a moment to consider the way a piece of land gets building materials assembled on top of it and it becomes a house, and you can spend some time in this house. But then something less tangible gets added…