Category: BaanMae

Baking in a microwave combi-grill

We stayed in BaanMae for a number of days and missed having either a microwave oven or a real oven. So we went down to the nearest HomePro and picked up a Samsung combination microwave, convection oven, and roaster/grill. It is quite fancy and comes with a number of wire racks, crisper plates, and even…

Who let the dogs out?

We are going back and forth between BaanMae and our old house but we aren’t bringing our dogs with us. This is mostly because we don’t have a place to keep them in at night (or during the day for that matter). One of our bigger concerns is fights between our household dogs and the…

Ceiling fan installed and working well

The first ceiling fan in BaanMae was installed and is working well. It is currently running on AC220V mains electricity but I hope to build an inverter some day to run it off of solar and possibly vary the speed by varying the frequency (and amplitude) of the inverter. This fan is installed in Praew’s…

Installing a ceiling fan

I am quite fond of ceiling fans. (Did you notice how I avoided the pun from the word “fan”?)I am fond of fans in general and as the weather gets hotter, I tend to crank up the fans rather than turning to an air conditioner. It is uncomfortable when you come from the ridiculous heat…

Wind tunnel roof test (part 2: the friggin hot season)

Back in December, I brought the temperature sensor up into the attic to see how my low thermal mass airflow based attic cooling design worked out. Well, based on our experiences recently living in BaanMae, I thought it would be worthwhile measuring the temperature again during this unusually-hot hot season. The following test was done…

Observations from living in a low thermal mass designed house

We spent several nights last week with Praew’s mother living in BaanMae during some of the hottest days (and nights) of the year. We don’t have air conditioning in the house and we aren’t really planning on getting any. The hope was that the unique design of the house would allow it to be pleasant…

Peaceful life on the land

These last few days have been more rustic than any I can remember. Waking up in the morning and making a simple breakfast of eggs (fresh from our chickens!), sausage and toasted croissant in our little outdoor kitchen. After breakfast, we feed the dogs and make some minor repairs and upgrades around the house to…

Moving in to BaanMae

Over the Songkran holiday, we moved in to BaanMae. At the risk of being philosophical, take a moment to consider the way a piece of land gets building materials assembled on top of it and it becomes a house, and you can spend some time in this house. But then something less tangible gets added…

Prototype light switch and dimmer

I’ve been going around and putting finishing touches on the many projects that I’ve written about previously. I wrote previously about the custom solar powered LED light system that we built, but we hadn’t come up with a nice aesthetically pleasing design for a light switch and dimmer knob to control it. So we hacked…

Miscellaneous day

Today was a busy day, but not much of anything exciting. We spent the day putting the finishing touches on other projects that were mostly completed but just needed a little bit something to be “done”. We: Crimped the permanent wires and connectors needed to run the solar powered DC water pump that was previously installed….