Category: Food

Restaurant review: Little Tree Cafe

Little Tree Cafe is quite out of the way. I think you really have to be going there to end up near there. Or at least that is what it feels like to me. It is in Nakhon Pathom and we took Phetkasem Rd to get there. But then you turn off onto Soi Wat…

Building a keyhole garden, complete with hydrogen cyanide exuding millipedes

Praew is always reading up on new kinds of (easy) ways to grow plants. Particularly food plants. One concept that caught her attention is called a “keyhole garden“. So we went ahead and built our interpretation of one over the weekend. Ours is a little smaller and simpler than the typical variety, but should work…

My first taste of raw sugarcane

I’ve been really enjoying the bounty of edible plants that are available fresh (and organic!) for the picking. The key to Praew and my ideas about food gardening is finding edible plants that either already grow on our land without planting them (such as Thai morning glory, “takob” berries, amaranth) or else plants that are…

Photos: more food plants and lilies

Walking around the land today, I noticed a number of lily pads in the pond that seem to be flourishing: But it was the new food plants that Praew pointed out to me that really got my attention. Praew pointed out a little “makok” tree (ambarella?). I hadn’t noticed it before although she planted it…

Passion fruit and sesbania flower and sorghum

We are starting to eat more and more different kinds of food from our land these days. We aren’t exactly gardening yet. Instead, we are planting various kinds of plants that seem to be quite happy growing with little or no work on our part. (Apparently the tropical climate and soil around here isn’t exactly…

Restaurant review: Three Bears Patisserie and Cafe

Today, on the way back from some business in town, Praew and I stopped off at a cute little cafe for coffee and dessert. If you are familiar with this area, you will be aware of how unlikely a location this is for a shop like this. The place is named “Three Bears Patisserie and…

Dinner at Avanti

Praew and I decided to go back to Avanti for dinner today. After reviewing it a while back, I’ve always wanted to go back there. The food was really really good the first time we tried it. And I can confirm, it is still really really good. And the owner mentioned he is moving out…

Thai cherries from the new tree for breakfast

I picked a bunch of the Thai cherries for breakfast a few days ago: I noticed the new tree was dropping ripe cherries to the ground almost as soon as it was planted: I washed them and then picked out the seeds by hand. These things are mostly seeds. Then I threw it on top…

Restaurant review: Souffle and Me

Today, Praew and I went on a nice little lunch date into town. Praew had noticed a new restaurant opened up on one of our favorite little eating streets. (See Avanti and Haba Kitchen posts. They are on the same street, practically the same block as this new one.) It is tucked into a side…

Restaurant: Anya’s Place

Today we went out tree shopping for the landscaping and stopped off for lunch at Anya’s Place, a restaurant located in Salaya. They have a very large selection on their menu (ridiculously so in my opinion), but the good part about that is it is pretty easy to find something to eat. Thai food, Chinese…