Category: Wildlife

A Kingfisher on the balcony

This picture was taken by Than when he was talking with the workmen at BaanLoiNaam. It appears to be a kingfisher sitting on our balcony. It is a rather cute looking bird, so I thought I would share.

Building a keyhole garden, complete with hydrogen cyanide exuding millipedes

Praew is always reading up on new kinds of (easy) ways to grow plants. Particularly food plants. One concept that caught her attention is called a “keyhole garden“. So we went ahead and built our interpretation of one over the weekend. Ours is a little smaller and simpler than the typical variety, but should work…

Giant snail

Every once in a while, we see a giant snail or slug around. When I say giant, I really mean unbelievably large. This one isn’t the largest we’ve seen, but it is definitely up there: For reference, there was a normal sized snail shell nearby. I am holding it in my fingers.

Turmeric colored birds

We have some beautiful yellow gold colored birds living in the cattails around the pond. K’Tanawat said that they are called “nok cummin” which translates as “turmeric birds”. Presumably because they are the color of turmeric powder. Unfortunately, my camera is not so good at this level of zoom. I should get a better camera….

A large turtle in our cistern

I was pretty surprised to find a large turtle in one of our cisterns the other day. My guess is that it fell in and couldn’t get out again. I helped it out on the end of a hoe. The dogs were very interested in it… I let it out by the pond. I wonder…

A rat chewed through my 3D printed overflow pipe mesh

If you recall back in March, I finished the overflow pipe and even 3D printed a plastic cover to keep the mosquitoes and snakes and other critters out. Well, that didn’t work so well. Sometime in the past week or two, a rat chewed through my beautiful cover. You can tell it was a rat…

A dead baby monitor lizard

We were busy today cleaning up and making things nicer for actually living here. Mostly just organizing and putting the construction stuff into storage boxes to organize it. But in the morning, the dogs on our land discovered a baby monitor lizard that wandered in and killed it. This little guy was about 50-60cm long…

Welcome grasshopper

We had a grasshopper hanging out on our mosquito screen all day Saturday while we were working.  It really looked just like a leaf blown against the screen if you didn’t look closely. But it was also pretty big (the body was about 10cm long). I thought it was kinda cute.

Creepy crawlies

We spent some time today digging and wiring in the dirt so that we can finally get the permanent electrical hookup. At one point a rather large centipede crawled out from under some large dirt clumps. K’Tanawat was worried because apparently these guys are quite poisonous and so he proceeded to smash it. I guess…

Random: Can a monitor lizard climb a tree?

I do admit that I have never actually wondered if a monitor lizard can climb a tree before. But I was spending a bit of quality time with the pack of 6 semi feral dogs that hangs out on our land to see if I could bribe them with some dog treats into accepting that…