Category: Gardening

BaanLoiNaam: Building a planter box for the “green wall” in the bathroom

One of my dreams for BaanLoiNaam was to have a “green wall” of plants as the exterior wall to the outdoor bathroom. Initially, I had planned for bamboo, but the cattails thrive on our land quite well. Many of them seem to grow up to 3 meters tall. And they make quite a dense wall…

A week of Thai cherry recipes

Praew and I spent the last week harvesting Thai cherries off the ground each morning and then experimenting with different dishes over the course of the day. It was a very interesting culinary week. 🙂 Last week I posted about our Thai cherry tree harvest and the possibility that Thai cherries are a “superfood”. So…

Revisiting the humble Thai cherry

Back in July of last year, I wrote about our new Thai cherry tree. The tree had come with a few cherries already on it, and I tried picking them and eating them, and while they were edible, they were sure sour. The tree has come back into full fruit, and it is dropping more…

Trying to eat our home grown sunflower seeds

After drying the sunflowers for a few days, I finally got the chance to try eating the seeds. I normally eat almonds and walnuts raw (but store bought) in my breakfast, so I figured I would try eating our home grown organic sunflower seeds raw too. Well, it didn’t work so well. The seeds were…

Drying sunflower seeds

We planted sunflowers mostly for decorative purposes back in November… And as sunflowers do, they grew up, and then died out. So of course we decided to dry out the seeds and see if we can eat them… I’ll let you know once we try tasting them.

Scary plant gets a funny name

I wrote previously about the scary spiky “Little Shop of Horrors” looking plant that Praew planted in her keyhole garden, and now that it is bearing fruit, I understand what it is and why she referred to it as “a kind of a tomato”. We had stumbled across a packet of seeds for a plant…

The tomato plant from Little Shop of Horrors

Praew planted a few plants in her keyhole garden in mid October. Apparently these plants really like our compost, because they have grown quite large in a matter of about 4 weeks. In particular, Praew is telling me that the big spiky one in the foreground is a tomato plant: The leaves are about 20-30cm…

Building a keyhole garden, complete with hydrogen cyanide exuding millipedes

Praew is always reading up on new kinds of (easy) ways to grow plants. Particularly food plants. One concept that caught her attention is called a “keyhole garden“. So we went ahead and built our interpretation of one over the weekend. Ours is a little smaller and simpler than the typical variety, but should work…

My first taste of raw sugarcane

I’ve been really enjoying the bounty of edible plants that are available fresh (and organic!) for the picking. The key to Praew and my ideas about food gardening is finding edible plants that either already grow on our land without planting them (such as Thai morning glory, “takob” berries, amaranth) or else plants that are…

Photos: more food plants and lilies

Walking around the land today, I noticed a number of lily pads in the pond that seem to be flourishing: But it was the new food plants that Praew pointed out to me that really got my attention. Praew pointed out a little “makok” tree (ambarella?). I hadn’t noticed it before although she planted it…