Category: SlowSandFilter

Using reclaimed water

Now that the rainy season is over, there isn’t very much rain water collected from the roof of BaanMae anymore. But we have a sewage processing system that first reduces the biological oxygen demand (BOD) using an aerobic treatment system, then runs it through a slow sand filter to fully sterilize it. The next step…

Keeping the mosquitoes out of the slow sand filter

The slow sand filter that we use to treat both the untreated greywater and the aerobic treatment system (ATS) treated black water has been working quite well. Now that it has been running in its final configuration for a few weeks, we are planning on sending the output water to be professionally tested pretty soon…

Sand filters, PVC pipes, siphons and weirs

We have been using a slow sand filter to treat our gray water for some months now and it has been working quite well. There was a problem due to normal intermittent use that the water level would drop due to evaporation and expose the sand, which basically kills off the biofiltration layer, but we…

Slow sand filter: installing a float switch to control the water pump

Since the aerobic treatment system (ATS) dumps the water out into a 1 cubic meter cistern below the ground, and the slow sand filter we want to use to filter this is above ground about 5 meters away, we are using a large aquarium pump to pump the effluent in the cistern to the slow…

OnTheNet: Testing tap water for chlorine

With all of the water quality stuff I’ve been experimenting with recently, I’ve been considering sending some of the filtered water samples to a professional lab for testing. So I did some looking around on YouTube to see what other people are doing. I found this video to be pleasantly geeky and informative: It appears…

Slow sand filter first test a surprising success

Having recently built a slow sand filter, I was quite excited to test it yesterday for the first time. WARNING: if you don’t want to read about what happens to the sewage in our house after the toilet is flushed, you should probably skip this post. 🙂 Our sewage system in BaanMae takes the black…

Slow sand filter progress update

Yesterday, we filled in all but the last filtration layers of the slow sand filter prototype we started recently. Before we could fill it up, we needed to make the hole for the pipe water tight. It turned out not to need any silicone since the cement seal seemed water tight enough. The process we…

Slow sand filter design

Building a slow sand filter has been on my to-do list of projects for quite some time now. Its turn has finally come. We had previously purchased some large second hand urns from our neighbors for building a few slow sand filters: My current design starts with placing some PVC pipe in the bottom of…

New project: building a slow sand filter

I’ve been wanting to try experimenting with slow sand filtration of water for some time now. A quick Google search on “slow sand filter” yields interesting pages from the CDC, the WHO, Wikipedia, and a site with a wealth of information on the subject at and They all agree that slow sand filtration is…