Category: OnTheNet

Growing a building from living trees

Yesterday, Praew showed me this fascinating video on YouTube: This architect uses living trees to grow the support structure for buildings over the course of several years. The crazy part is that the trees are alive for the lifetime of the building, so he needs to imagine how the building will evolve as the trees…

Smart investment, simple investment, successful investment

I just wanted to share this New York Times article which I recently stumbled across. It was interesting in that it did a good job of summarizing my overall approach to investments over the past 20 years. The point of the article is that trying to beat the market mostly results in drastically worse performance in the end….

Living in a bubble

Ever since I can remember, Praew has talked about building a treehouse. If you check out YouTube, you can find that they come in all shapes, sizes and designs. Today I stumbled across the YouTube video above which is a tour of a resort in Quebec that uses plastic bubbles on platforms as treehouses, complete…

OnTheNet: Testing tap water for chlorine

With all of the water quality stuff I’ve been experimenting with recently, I’ve been considering sending some of the filtered water samples to a professional lab for testing. So I did some looking around on YouTube to see what other people are doing. I found this video to be pleasantly geeky and informative: It appears…