Category: Restaurant

Travel: eating in Chiang Mai

In my previous post, I mentioned the really nice boutique hotel we stayed at in Chiang Mai for one night. Since half of traveling for me is eating, I figure it is worth mentioning some of the very nice eateries we stopped off at. First, we ate at a place called “Artisan” just a few…

Restaurant review: Broccoli Revolution

On Sunday, Praew and I had a little day date. We went to Haba Kitchen for brunch, followed by a visit to Dasa 2nd hand bookstore to do some browsing and buying, and then we thought we would swing by Agalico coffee shop and hang out in their awesome garden and read. But Agalico was closed…

Restaurant review: Haba Kitchen

Praew and I like to eat. A lot. Any time we see an interesting new restaurant on the street or in the newspaper, we schedule a time to try it out. In particular, we’ve tried out almost all of the most promising restaurants in the Bang Mod area of Bangkok, and I’ve been asked quite…