Category: Hammock

Sleeping in a hammock in the floating house

We’ve gotten the welder to mount the hammock loops in the walls of BaanLoiNaam. Here is a picture of Praew trying out one of our hammocks there: Within a minute or two of starting her test, she was sound asleep and I didn’t have the heart to wake her for another half hour. Since then,…

Trading a bed for a hammock

Back in January, I wrote about how we decided to build our own giant hammock and how we added small spreader bars in order to spread out the hammock a bit so that the sides didn’t come up so high. Well, I always knew our hammock was larger than almost anything else out there, and…

Adding small spreader bars on the hammock

I added very small 30cm spreader bars to our giant sleeping hammock, and it worked like a charm! As mentioned in my previous post on the subject, the huge width of the hammock causes the edges to curl up and somewhat cocoon (or suffocate?) the occupant. Additionally, this height on the sides makes it difficult…

Building a sleeping hammock: part 2

I recently posted about my interest in exploring sleeping in a hammock rather than a bed. Now I will write more about a simple recipe we came up with for building our own hammock. I’m actually quite surprised how simple it was. We started with the best hammock we had in our possession: The material…

New Project: Building a sleeping hammock

This is the hammock we built. I’ve always seen a hammock as something to lounge on the balcony in and read a book on a nice summer day, but not something to spend the night in. On a lark, I decided to Google “is sleeping in a hammock bad for you?”, and came up with…