At the end of the rainy season in late September and early October, I decided to close the valve on the pond overflow pipe to let the water level go up a little bit higher and see what would happen. The idea was to get a little more water in so that the evaporation over the course of the dry season could start from a higher water mark.
By the time the water peaked, it was just over the top of the overflow pipe.
This is what it looked like on October 8:

And this was December 4:

And this was on December 18:

So it looks like it is on its way down, but not too quickly yet.

I’m now curious to keep track how far down it will go before it begins raining again in earnest in May or maybe later April of next year. This isn’t just idle curiosity. This will be the first dry season that we have a house floating in this pond.

Hopefully it doesn’t go down far enough to cause the house problems. ðŸ˜“