The composting toilet is done and ready for testing.

The toilet seat is attached as well as the urine diverter. The chamber down below is completed. We will probably start out testing the toilet in a traditional composting capacity and we will wait to try vermicomposting until we move into the house. (The worms will probably need regular toilet usage to have something to feed on.)

But mostly we are waiting for the electrical wiring so that the small DC air exhaust fan in the chamber down below can be hooked up to prevent odors from drifting back into the house.

The bathroom sink was also mounted:

It is a relatively small sink with built in cabinet space down below. It makes the small bathroom look a lot bigger. And the coolest part is that we mounted it about 15-20cm higher than the sinks in our current home. I’m a relatively tall guy, and I always felt like I was bending over way too far to wash my hands in the sink. We mounted it so that the top edge of the sink is slightly over a meter off the ground, so I can finally wash my hands and face the way sinks are meant to be used. As I get older and my back aches more and more often, I’m pretty sure I will appreciate this.

Rather than run the piping for the sink inside, we decided to run it up the wall outside and in through the wall:

We haven’t connected it up yet, but that will be coming soon.