Category: Solar

Installing a ceiling fan

I am quite fond of ceiling fans. (Did you notice how I avoided the pun from the word “fan”?)I am fond of fans in general and as the weather gets hotter, I tend to crank up the fans rather than turning to an air conditioner. It is uncomfortable when you come from the ridiculous heat…

DC solar powered water pump hooked up

Today, we hooked up the DC water pump. The glue on the PVC pipes wasn’t dry yet when I was there, so we didn’t get to fully test it out. But the idea is that the water main flows into the 900L water tank with a float valve to stop it when it is full….

Solar power box update

More progress on wiring up the DC solar power box: Last time I left off having mounted everything in the box and mounting the box on the side of the house. Today, we have the internal wiring done. Tomorrow, I’m hoping to have the solar panels and batteries connected up, and then BaanMae will officially…

DC solar power box mounted

We had a number of delays in setting up the main solar for BaanMae. At first we were going to mount everything inside the house and use DC automotive fuses for protection. But we began to realize that many of the devices we wanted to power were outside, such as the water pumps and walkway…

Pond air pump is now on solar power

I recently posted about the air pumps we sourced from eBay. We just got the smaller one installed on a steel bracket we welded under the solar panels. The air pump is inside of the little polycarbonate roof extension just to the left of the solar panels. As mentioned before, the air pump is connected…

Digging a trench with our DIY excavator

As some of you might remember, we built our own DIY excavator back in May/June of last year. Since then, it hasn’t gotten much use. The main reason for this is that the workers that we’ve hired are more familiar digging with hand tools than with the excavator, so they seem to avoid using it….

Solar panel electricity in low light conditions

I posted yesterday about getting the second pump shed wired up to solar panels. One interesting tidbit I noticed when checking it around dusk was the fact that the panels were generating electricity quite late in the day. Here is a picture of how low the sun was relative to the panels: Here is the…

Solar panels for second pump shed installed

We’ve been running one of the pumps in the first pump shed using solar power for about one month now. The pump in the shed on the opposite side of the pond has been dormant since we first tested it after installing it. But as of yesterday, we now have the solar panels set up…

Solar panels mounted

We mounted the solar panels onto the roof today We built a structure that can fit two rows of 6 panels each but we only filled it with a set of 4 panels in the center 2×2 section. Here is a picture from a nearby bridge outside the land that gives a slightly better view:…

Mounting for solar panels on roof nearly complete

Since we sourced the 6 new solar panels recently, we had to build the structure for mounting it on the roof. In the process, we ended up realizing that the shallow slope of the back balcony roof was even more shallow than it was supposed to be due to what was probably a slight error…