Less than 2 weeks ago, I transplanted the takob trees into pots of our home made compost, and they have grown quite quickly.

I’m a bit concerned that the leaves of these plants don’t look exactly like the takob tree leaves. I’m not sure if the baby leaves are noticeably different than the adult plant leaves, or of greater concern, whether somehow every section of the planter where I tried to sprout takob seeds, some other plant managed to sprout first? Hmm. Well, I figure the only way to know for sure is to plant them and given them a few weeks to see what they turn into. :-

So on Saturday, I asked one of the workers to dig 8 holes in an octagon pattern. (Test problem for high-school geometry class: construct an octagon in a garden whose center is this stick and whose radius is 1.5m. Who said you never use this stuff once you are out of school?)

Then we filled the bottom of the holes with our best compost:

And then filled in the holes with a mixture of compost and soil, followed by planting two pots of plants in each hole:

I then watered them to help them get settled into their new beds and put some straw mulch around each plant to help keep the water in. These are hardy plants, so hopefully all of the plants will survive the move. Then it will simply be a matter of regular watering and guiding their growth until they are big enough to “weld” together into the structure I am imagining.