More of the chickens are starting to lay, so we ended up with about 5 more eggs today alone.

One broke trying to remove it from the coop.

I gave two more away at work.

And I took the last two home for dinner.

Praew is coming home late today so K’Tanawat asked me if I want to bring home a head of a vegetable that looks like a cross between lettuce and spinach. I’m not sure if I’ve ever eaten it before, but he called it “pak gaad”. He said it is tasty in a dish where it is fried together with eggs. So here they are in my kitchen waiting for me to decide whether I am going to try frying it up myself or wait for Praew to get home:

The chickens seem to be settling in more and more each day. K’Tanawat lets them out of the coop to run around each day. Here is a picture of them this morning:

Interestingly, when I came by the land at around 5:30PM to do some more work on the electrical wiring in the house, I noticed that 4 of the chickens had escaped from the fenced in chicken run and were lounging around just outside the fence. The odd part of this is that there were 4 dogs within sight of the coop. I’m really happy the dogs didn’t decide to treat the chickens like food. Maybe they’ve accustomed themselves to the chickens and treat them like a flock to be protected?

I took these pictures right after I got the chickens back in:

That is the coop in the background.
You can see the coop here even further in the background. It is only about 40 or 50 meters away from these guys.

And this guy is just lounging in the grass on the left side of the road in the previous picture. He is only about 20 meters from the coop.

But I counted the chickens, and we still have 10 of them. So now I am a little less worried about the dogs breaking into the coop at night and killing the chickens. (I’m sure they could if they really wanted to.)